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Thucydides again strikes a resonating chord

The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. ― Thucydides
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An internal combustion poem

Whilst internal combustion engines reign, Teslas are getting quite some traction, But are they staying in their lane? We're told there will be a lot of pain,  What with all the climate action, Whilst internal combustion engines remain. Some doubt that there is much to gain, By conceding to the green faction, When they are straying from their lane. Others would have us catch a train. Could this be a perverse reaction? Internal combustion engines pull trains. Some rev heads reckon it's all in vain, just a temporary distraction, as long as they stay in their lane. As batteries boom, it would be fane, EVs are more than an abstraction, Whilst internal combustion engines remain, They will be staying in the other lane.

"Sorry" says the WA Premier. The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 was a mistake. Now the proposed Voice ...

The WA Premier Roger Cook is quoted in the Australian today saying:  " Simply put, the laws went too far, were too prescriptive, too complicated and placed unnecessary burdens on everyday  Western Australian property owners ." Well done you Mr WA Premier. You did a rare thing in politics. You admitted your government got it wrong and corrected the mistake by repealing the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 and re instituted the 1972 Act, with a few amendments.  That's one of the advantages of legislation over a constitutional change. You can correct your mistakes. If "we the people" of Australia make a similar mistake on the Voice referendum and find that the changes to our constitution also go too far and place unnecessary burdens on everyday Australians, then we will not have the luxury of repealing our mistake by passing a new law. We'll be stuck with the changed constitution unless we have another referendum.  There seems to be a lesson to be learnt ...

Perpetual pretenders proclaiming possession of Truth ... (fact check the fat cheque)  have pointed me to an article in Public entitled " Nacissism of the Fact Checkers ". It's a sobering though disturbingly unsurprising read.  It adds to the litany of distressingly wrong facts that have been endorsed and perpetuated by the "official narrative" and with the reciprocal suppression or censorship of correct "falsehoods".  Here's a list of such behaviours by fact checkers from the article: - calling out a self avowed parody site for misinformation on the Paris riots for posting a typically over the top clip from the action movie "Fast & Furious"; -  that claim by the New York Times, AP and the BBC that fake news travels 6 times faster than the factual news, turns out to be fake news itself. The claim is based on a single MIT study on small number of tweets , not news. - Facebook removing 20 million posts, and labeling 190 million posts about Covid-19 as "content moderation" because those posts did ...

Which has better predictive value? The official narrative or the conspiracy theory?

Instapundit is right.  The predictive value of a narrative is the real test of its value. Just how many times has the predictive value of the official narrative failed us  recently? This is not to say the conspiracy theories are necessarily correct but you've got to give them some credence these days in the face of the abject failures of so many official narratives. Look at these recent official narratives  that come to mind as I write:  Wearing face masks is essential to public safety. We now know that they afforded us little if any protection. But they were mandatory because... the official narrative said we had to wear them. The COVID 19 virus did not come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They officially told us back then that the "f urin cleavage site " found on the Covid SARS 2 virus, which was principally responsible for it potency and infectiousness, came from an unidentified evolutionary source in nature (remember that brief moment when pangolins were t...

A clap for calquers

ALDaily has again wormholed me into another world. So I have belatedly recently discovered the calque  and a breathtaking array of other fresh linguistic neologisms and concepts from the clashes, enjambments and entanglements of English living with other languages.  The source is an engaging article in European Review of Books called Beamer, Dressman, Bodybag  by Alexander Wells .  If you love words please read it. I fancy you too will enjoy it and be as enchanted as I. Unexpectedly, Wells turns out to be an Australian, which may be one of the reasons I immediately felt comfortable with his tone, self deprecatory yet probing, but his piece sings a many layered and complex song that rises above its locality, Berlin, and its subject, English and Deutsche.  It seems that the global conquest of English as a linqua franca has now moved well beyond the realm of "globish", the pidgeon in which business people who are non native English speakers from different nation...

Today's Woke guide to Gender, Race and Climate

Gender, Race and Climate. These are the big ideas that matter in the 21st century. So get with the Zeitgeist folks.  You gotta go woke. As I understand the current, constantly changing, received progressive position on these big 3 topics, here's what we're supposed to think and believe: Gender : A person can be whatever gender they want to be. Anyone who thinks or says otherwise commits a crime against humanity. Race : Only blacks, the indigenous and people of colour can have and express legitimate views on blacks, people of colour and indigenous issues. Any white person doing so is a racist, wrongly appropriating the exclusive privilege of disadvantaged victims. Accordingly it is wrong for a non-BIPOC person to believe or, worse, say that all races are equal and that we should never discriminate against any person on the basis of race. This is because a non-BIPOC person cannot understand racial prejudice because they have not experienced negative racial discrimination and beca...