Truth v Justice, Justice v Freedom, Freedom v Truth Whilst idly threalming recently, I have mulled over a possible new paradigm for navigating our chaotic civilization (as one does). Many wayfaring pirates on today's threalmic seas have found themselves with crappy compasses and confusing charts, as most of the truths, traditions and teachings that have guided us in the past, are increasingly losing credibility and coherence under the serial scrutiny they are subjected to by the sway of spin from seductive sellers of serious style and specious substance. So I posit here a possible navigational aid to help marooned piratic souls find direction again through this increasingly befuddling fog. How can a modern pirate find bearings in the vast tumultuous sea of isms: alarmism, antidisestablishmentarianism, Buddhism, capitalism, c ephlapodism, christianism , conservatism, communism, empiricism, environmentalism, fatalism, feminism, fundamentalism, futurism, Gaiaism, hedonism, humanis...
Stirring grist, grizzle and gore to flavour the stew.