If only I knew some I'm tempted to say I wholeheartedly agree with this alluring new heuristic, from Sathnan Sangera of the Times , except I don't know any celebrities, so how would I know? It would probably be truer for me to say that I adhere to the smugly self satisfying belief that people who believe in the importance of celebrity are intellectually impoverished fashion victims. If I knew any celebrities who thought their celebrity was important to our relationship other than as an irritant, then I would find it hard to be their mate. And for the very reason that Mr Sangera speculates: they would be over sensitive to having the piss taken out of them for having feet of clay. But what of his other suggested life lessons: Never brush your teeth if you're dressed in black. Don't trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle. Always put the shower curtain inside the bath . Only the last one of these holds water for me. I obviously don't get out much, because I al...
Stirring grist, grizzle and gore to flavour the stew.