The long and the short of it It has been a curly week for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission . ASIC has made a right hash of a decision about what to do about short selling of securities quoted on Australian securities markets. Setting aside the content free dialogue that has been going on for over 6 months in the media; prompted by throw away remarks from our Federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, about the Government's forever imminent legislative crack down on "short selling"; now that the Government and ASIC have had their hand forced by international attempts to act in a co-ordinated way to stabilise markets and reduce panic, ASIC stuffed it up. A brief chronology: Thursday, 18 September US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announces an $800 billion liquidity injection into the for the US financial system, in an attempt to restore confidence in the US banking system after the failure of Lehman Brothers, (amongst other stuff). Friday, 19 September, ASIC ...
Stirring grist, grizzle and gore to flavour the stew.