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Showing posts from March, 2009

STEPHEN CONROY, Minister of Communications, misuses power to spy on Australians who criticise his policy

Stephen Conroy proves that the critics of his policy were right. Rudd Labor Government mis -uses its power to scrutinise citizens on the Web The Australian Commonweath Government is apparently trawling the web looking for sites that are critical of the Australian Labour Party 's broadband policy and ISP based internet filtering interventions. If this is so, Stephen Conroy is a dangerous and stupid man who should not be trusted with power. In his capacity as the Federal Minister for Communications he is authorising taxpayer dollars to be spent to check on Australian citizens who express criticisms of his Government's policies on the Internet and broadband infrastructure. By doing this Senator Conroy conclusively demonstrates his unfitness for office. Australia is still, just, a liberal democracy not a totalitarian dictatorship of the governing party. As a minister of the crown spending the taxpayers' compulsorily appropriated wealth he is behaving unethically and illegal...

FAQs on GHG emissions and lentils

What our current crop of neo -socialist Dear Leaders really need right now is a good ol ' Inter-planetary Poison Pollution Preliminary Prevention Plan (" IPPPPP ") As I understand it from dimly remembered high school chemistry classes (which I hated but did dutifully persist with), carbon dioxide is a colourless odourless life cycle gas that is essential for photosynthesis and plant growth. I'm told biology classes (which irresponsibly I did mostly skip) taught us that CO2 is emitted in the respiration process by mammals and reptiles. That is, we humans emit carbon dioxide each time we breath out ( Who'da thunk it?). And these social democratic geniuses currently running what was formerly known as the free world, now want to tax this life cycle gas as a pollutant. Frequently Avoided Questions (FAQs) on CO2 and IPPPPPs Why do our dear Leaders want to tax CO2 ? Mostly 'cos it seems to be getting hotter and experts think the world's climate is changing. Doe...

Obama Onanism

Fiscal stimulus: relief, but no lasting satisfaction. Its almost organic. No wonder greenies love it so. But to what should we apply this alluring and organically onomatopoeic label: " Obama Onanism "? Obama himself and his imitators* , with their simply massive self congratulatory stimuli ? or The Obamanics , who continuously spill their seed into such an empty vessel? or both? What is it about modern democracies that allows all these ethically challenged moral high ground clambering Dear Leaders: Barack, Brownie* and Kevin* ; to get away with inflicting these massive expiatations of debt funded spending on their electorates, without regard to the long term consequences. Why aren't they called for being the wankers that they are by the fourth estate ? Why are journalists in the mainstream media not holding these social democratic governments to account for this spectacular irresponsibility? (Ed: It could be because they don't want to. They enabled these populis...