It is now clear that Tony Hodges, Prime Minister Gillard's now former Media Adviser, rang UnionsACT secretary Kim Sattler on Thursday 26 January. Ms Sattler is quoted in the Daily Telegraph as saying : "I spoke to Tony Hodges on the phone. He mentioned that Tony Abbott had made a statement about the embassy, that it shouldn't exist at all, ... I do now accept that wasn't what was Tony Abbott said." The same day ("Australia Day") Ms Sattler according to the Herald Sun posted this statement on her Facebook page: "Tony Abbott just announced the Tent Embassy should be closed down and a huge crowd from the Embassy went to greet him and he had to be rushed away with a police escort!" On Saturday 28 The Prime Minister is quoted in the Sunday Telegraph as saying : "At no point did Mr Hodges say to Ms Sattler that Mr Abbott had suggested that the tent embassy be torn down or removed in any way," Ms Sattler says Mr Hodges told her ...
Stirring grist, grizzle and gore to flavour the stew.