The title of this post is a quote from an article entitled " If it ain't broken, it must not be America" by George Korda in the Knoxville News Sentinel of 1 November 2016. That article suggests things may not be as bad as they seem. We humans do seem to have a proclivity towards pessimistic presentism whereby, when we feel that things are going badly for us (like now in the midst of this appalling US presidential election campaign), we tend to think that our lot is worse than it has been in the past. Clearly this is an over-reaction. In the previous post on this blog I suggested that although things do feel pretty rum in the world right now, fear not; we are all probably not going to ruin, provided enough of us stick to our jobs and do our duty undistracted by the whirling noise of potential chaos. Similarly, George Korda in his article quotes his own father as telling him: “Quit worrying. Times are always desperate.” And George counsels us to le...
Stirring grist, grizzle and gore to flavour the stew.