This is a spectacularly brave hypothesis and a difficult sell. Governments in developed countries have somehow convinced themselves they need to sell this astonishingly ambitious proposition to taxpayers and voters. This is being done so that these developed countries can then in turn morally leverage developing countries (whose carbon emissions are growing fastest) to follow the developed countries lead, and voluntarily raise the cost of their economic growth by restricting carbon emissions. Only then is there a chance that these carbon emission reducing schemes can have a remote prospect of success in even slowing the rate at which the globe is warming. We need the developing nations to participate otherwise the scheme cannot be sufficiently global in operation to actually reduce global CO2 emissions. And because the developing nations are developing they are fast developing into the biggest contributors to the planet's CO2 emissions. If we only succeed in agreeing to reduce carbon emissions in developed countries, who contribute a declining proportion of the world's CO2 emissions each year, and let the developing nations continue emitting unabated, then these hugely interventionist schemes will have no material effect on our planet's climate at all. It doesn't look like a very rational position to believe that India, for one, is going to buy the developed nations' bill of goods on this. India has recently published its own version of the Garnaut and Stern reports, and it seems to take a quite different position on this from the one proposed by the Professor and the Lord. It is clearly essential to the assertion of this amazing multi-layered centrally co-ordinated global effort to reduce human production of an essential life-cycle gas, that the hypothesis that CO2 build up is causing the planet to warm, is unquestioningly accepted by participants. If there was any doubt about this scientifically, why would anyone buy into a project to build a grandiose edifice to King Canute? And then, to make it even harder for the really smart types who have set themselves the task of persuading us to do all this, they also have to convince us that a warming planet is a bad thing, ie not a "good thing" (though this has proved easier than anticipated since, perversely, it seems people really love scary stories). So right on cue, after tabling his "Draft" report last week (which is the update of his March "Preliminary" report and the precursor to his promised "Final" report in September), the Professor confirmed the pre-emptive imperative of such a scheme, by eliciting some gleeful media attention by labelling the unpopular New South Wales Treasurer, Michael Costa, "a well known denier of the science" for questioning the economic sense of the Professor's proposal. So just what is this thing he calls "the science"? From the introduction to his Draft report it seems he is referring to these computer models of the climate effects of a continued and accelerating build up in CO2 in the atmosphere. These computer models have emerged as great tools for scientists to test complex hypotheses. Economists have been inflicting modelling outcomes on the public for ages and many of us have learnt to treat them with with a little scepticism after watching the annual budget forecasts get continually recast as the actual historical data comes in. We have learnt from experience that tiny tweaks to small variables in these models can make massive differences to the outcomes they project. But now that proper university trained real scientists have models too, and scientists only deal in facts, surely their models will be accurate. It seems you can create devilishly complicated scenarios with thousands of constantly changing variable bits and moving constants to represent a planet's climate, that no human mind could possibly unravel unaided, and yet still produce a precise outcome (42). Even just to enter the data to run one of these economic models of a climate model, you've got to be pretty damn smart, let alone to actually create a model. In fact it seems you're only equipped to run a model if you've had lots of practice with models, and have received high marks for doing models from modellers. This appears to be "the science" that the Professor says the NSW Treasurer is "denying". It is a bit disconcerting therefore that one of the early things you learn from reading the Professor's "Draft" report is that one of the two main causes of all this excess CO2 in Australia is the poverty busting prosperity that Australia has undergone since Professor Garnaut's farsighted reforms of the Australian economy in the mid to late 1980s. Why is it that there is no mention here of the economic growth and CO2 emission increases that occurred from 1945 to 1975, during the post-war economic boom? Surely if couldn't be the inconvenient truth that global temperatures cooled dramatically in this time frame. To ignore this would be so unscientific for someone who is so in favour of "the science" as Professor Garnaut, that this is scarcely conceivable, unless ... could there be a tinge of hubris here? This is the guy that they want us to trust with engineering the biggest and most complicated piece of centrally planned income redistribution in Australia's history. I confess to feeling slightly uncomfortable about whether he has the character to fairly and dispassionately juggle and make meaningful decisions in the chaos of projections, models, adjustments and tax distortions that he is prescribing for us all, when he takes the opportunity whilst introducing his "Draft" report to slyly buff up his own CV, without telling us. In the process of course he conveniently sweeps under the carpet some of the most troubling contemporary evidence that increased carbon emissions do not increase global temperatures: the fact that global temperature decreased from 1945 to 1975, during the post-war economic boom. So, if the truth does best the justice of the Professor's climate abatement proposition, then the proposition looks shaky. There is also some troubling data for greenhouse believers suggesting that there has been little or no increase in the measured temperature in the troposphere over the last 20 years. These troposphere temperature observations seem to directly contradict the greenhouse hypothesis, which predicts a faster warming in the troposphere than at the earth's surface. Maybe the data or the hypothesis prediction is wrong, but either way this anomaly should give open minded thinkers pause before becoming definitive about this. So it seems everyone can potentially make use of this handy mechanism to make a convincing case for their preferred position. One simply changes the emphasis or the positioning of a proposition from its truth to its justice to its liberation, depending on what opposition or blockages are anticipated or emerge. And, here's the good bit, you can still continue to believe in your own bullshit, even whilst knowing that you are just adopting a process, because whichever posture you adopt it can be legitimately systemically defended, whilst also remaining open to systemic attack. |
. Someone has to die for their beliefs to be a martyr . Drudge pointed to headlines last Friday saying that Jackson's was a " Death by Showbusines s". So in the sense that Jackson seems to have died for his belief in celebrity, yes, he might be called a martyr. I never got Michael Jackson. Thriller didn't thrill me at all ( Now Noel Coward, that's another story ). But I did get a bit of a kick from seeing others get him. He was boppy and catchy and slick, as well as monumentally fluffy and hugely impaired. What I struggle with is the apparently massive consequentiality of fluffiness and impairment like Jackson's. What is the fuss about the passing of a semi-talented song and dance weirdo from decades past? Boris Johnson, the London Mayor, has had a stab at explaining it to we mystified souls who struggle to get with the programme. He reckons it's just like Princess Di. And I agree, to the extent that I was almost as unprepared for and dumbfounded by th...