Gender, Race and Climate. These are the big ideas that matter in the 21st century.
So get with the Zeitgeist folks.
You gotta go woke.
As I understand the current, constantly changing, received progressive position on these big 3 topics, here's what we're supposed to think and believe:
Gender: A person can be whatever gender they want to be. Anyone who thinks or says otherwise commits a crime against humanity.
Race: Only blacks, the indigenous and people of colour can have and express legitimate views on blacks, people of colour and indigenous issues. Any white person doing so is a racist, wrongly appropriating the exclusive privilege of disadvantaged victims. Accordingly it is wrong for a non-BIPOC person to believe or, worse, say that all races are equal and that we should never discriminate against any person on the basis of race. This is because a non-BIPOC person cannot understand racial prejudice because they have not experienced negative racial discrimination and because it cannot be wrong to discriminate against white people because they have had it good for too long.
Climate: The Earth is currently undergoing a catastrophic climate emergency that will make Earth uninhabitable by humans. This is caused by humans using carbon based fuels for their energy and transportation needs. Accordingly all humans in privileged society have a moral obligation to stop using fossil fuels and to recycle stuff now. Unless we citizens of Earth do this now the human species will inevitably perish.
Woe-betide anyone in Western society who does not publicly conform to these beliefs.
As it happens I do not agree with or believe wholly in any of the above assertions. But I also recognise that unless I purport to adopt this current program of beliefs, I will be considered evil, wrong and not to be listened to, by those whose opinions do matter and prevail in the Western world of today.
As Glenn Reynolds observed on Instapundit this morning (14 April 2023):
...woke politics is a luxury good for spoiled affluent white people..
And the West is now ruled by the spoiled privileged children of an affluent society who have discarded our civilization's hard won truths in favour of the low hanging fruit of the shallow popularity vibe of the school yard cool kids: wokeness.