Do nothing.
V Good government POLITICS on climate change: Be seen to do something. Why? Because: 1. citizens want to feel less bad about living in prosperity when others aren't, 2. boffins can consolidate their influence on bureaucracy, and 3. politicians can perpetuate their hold on power. And good politics nearly always beats good policy when they are in conflict in a democracy. The disturbing thing about the current zeitgeist on this is the amazing delusionary grandstanding and sanctimonious rectitude of the climate change true believers and their certainty that their prescriptions will work to save the planet. There is a simple straddle on this apparent conflict between good politics and good policy, available to the conscience of a politician who suspects this climate alarmism is bunk, but also knows that being seen to act is politically essential: be seen to be doing something whilst actually doing nothing. This seems to be the actual end point of the current climate change policy postion of the Federal Government in Australia after all its self congratulatory posturing since it was elected last year, and in the Federal Opposition's tepid response. The danger though, as usual, is that the massively intrusive bureaucratic infrastructures, the concentration of power and the erosions of personal freedom that are the necessary by-products of these grand schemes, will be left in tact potentially forever and in any event long after the pointlessness of the government's prescriptions has finally dawned on the credulous voting public. |
The tough love of neglect looks like a much better policy on global climate than the self indulgent charity of impoverishing ourselves by trying to reduce our carbon emissions. This seemingly benevolent intervention will likely create many more problems than it solves, but the main problems that this self indulgence fosters are its encroachments on human freedom and the perpetuation of hollow justifications for increasing government control over people's lives. I seem to recall that this is a theme that the great Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic has been promulgating recently. So I at least have some good company on this, even if this argument seems to be an unpopular and ill-regarded position by our current media and by our political masters.
wrt the alleged threat of climate change I agree with the political side of your analysis but think that doing research, serious funding of alternative energy strategies and organising a proper, not hysterical debate would be better than doing nothing - ala Lomborg
You might be interested in John McCarthy's website if you haven't already seen it:
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